New Holstein Utilities Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 12 noonCustomers have access through our website to make payments, apply for service, terminate service and email us with any questions.
If you experience an after-hours utility emergency (i.e. electric outage, witness a downed power line or utility pole, water main break), please call the NHU office at (920) 898-5776. Please listen to the message and then when prompted press one (1) on your phone’s keypad. DO NOT HANG UP! Your call will be transferred to our call center, and you will be able to inform the call center agent of your utility concern/issue. The agent will then dispatch a NHU employee to resolve your concern/issue. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE CALUMET COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE!