People you know. Service you trust.

Public Power Week

FOOD BINS AND VOLUNTEERSEach year, more than 2,000 community-owned utilities across the nation observe Public Power Week during the first full week of October. Public Power Week is a celebration of these not-for-profit electric utilities that proudly serve the electric power needs of about 40 million Americans - or almost 15 percent of electricity consumers.

Every public power system is different due to its community's population, geography, climate, natural resources, economy, and local government structure. However, all public power systems have in common their purpose: to provide adequate, reliable, not-for-profit electricity at a reasonable price with proper protection of the environment. 

New Holstein Utilities typically celebrates Public Power Week in late September or early October.  We typically celebrate by offering refreshments at our office, give away small gifts as a token of our appreciation to serve the community and by giving away some prizes.  We have also had ice cream socials, ran contests, hosted town hall meetings with customers, conducted recycling events and given tours of our facilities.

During Public Power Week, we have a food drive.  The items collected are given to the New Holstein Food Pantry.